Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Right Answer?

It is strange how serendipity occasionally intervenes to link multiple lines of thinking and the conversations that go along with them and thinking on a subject crystallizes. In June 2014, Harvard Business Review published an article titled "Why Smart People Struggle With Strategy." The piece begins thus:
Strategy is often seen as something really smart people do — those head-of-the-class folks with top-notch academic credentials. But just because these are the folks attracted to strategy doesn't mean they will naturally excel at it. The problem with smart people is that they are used to seeking and finding the right answer; unfortunately, in strategy there is no single right answer to find. Strategy requires making choices about an uncertain future. It is not possible, no matter how much of the ocean you boil, to discover the one right answer. There isn't one. In fact, even after the fact, there is no way to determine that one’s strategy choice was “right,” because there is no way to judge the relative quality of any path against all the paths not actually chosen. There are no double-blind experiments in strategy.
When this crossed my digital desk this week, I was reminded of a slew of recent articles on the Service Academies (here, here, and here) and a great discussion that ensued on The Constant Strategist over the questions raised in the first of the linked articles. Here, two questions matter: What was the crux of the original issue and where have I landed in the overarching questions?

The initial online debate in this exploration centered on the curriculum most appropriate to the education of military officers. What should be the emphasis in a liberal education intended to develop them deliberately? There are two--one might call them adversarial--camps in this debate centered on the relative importance of the sciences and the humanities. I have always found myself standing athwart the apparent chasm between these two positions. As a military analyst with too many graduate degrees in math, I have enormous sympathy for the technical side of this debate (perhaps selfishly, since another position would invalidate much of my education and professional life). But I began my life as a student of English Literature and I spent a formative interlude as a graduate student in military history and strategy, and I know the technocrat's approach to conflict and strategic planning is problematic. But since it is hard to ask that everyone know everything, what is the right answer?

In the end, I think appropriate diversity is the answer, at every unit of analysis from the individual to the population. The trick is to ensure both expertise in the population (i.e., someone somewhere has spent a life studying the topics of interest) and familiarity in individuals (i.e., we have all studied enough of the other that we can speak a common language and seek useful metaphors). That means we should encourage and incentivize both expertise and exposure in a variety of disciplines--math, statistics, physics, chemistry, engineering, history, anthropology, theology, literature, etc. But there's a catch.

In our world of military operations research analysts so well trained in seeking optimality the idea of external familiarity really matters, and this is why I'm writing. There is a distressing and problematic bias in the technical fields toward the existence of a "correct" answer, not unlike the assertion in the Harvard Business Review piece. It's how we're trained. In our education, there exists a provably true answer (at least within the constraints of our axiomatic systems) to most of the textbook questions we answer as we learn our trade. This is, in fact, part of the reason for my own shift once upon a time between literature and math as a chosen field of study. Certainty has a certain comfort and led to fewer arguments between student and teacher.

I do NOT want to encourage anyone to not study the sciences, operations research, or (my own love) mathematics. And I do NOT want to encourage avoidance of the the less technical disciplines. Rather, what I want to encourage is an appreciation of contingency in the application of the technical disciplines and a rigor in the application of the non-technical disciplines, especially the context of militarily relevant questions.

Why? Fundamentally because our models and computational tools are by definition rife with assumptions. What if one or more of those assumptions are wrong? What if we forget some minor idea that turns out to be critical? What if our axioms don't work? (I'm looking at you, Economics.) What if optimality itself is a chimera?

For us, reading history of various kinds and actively considering the question of how our forebears (analytic and otherwise) erred is perhaps a useful remedy. The problem is not that one is smart or not. The problem is how and what one studies and with what intent.

The proverb says, "Iron sharpeneth iron." A suggested circular addendum to this wisdom is that the humanities temper the steel of the sciences while the sciences sharpen the analytic edge of the humanities.


  1. Great post Merf and this might be the perfect segue into a discussion of the differences between the traditional Intelligence Analyst (IA) and the Operations Research Analyst (OR) here on this Blog. Maybe it's time to broaden the discussion to three types and include the Strategist in here as well. Analysis, which is the subject of this Blog, versus Strategy, at the Constant Strategist, has the same necessary components of art and science. As you know, on this blog, I include engineering as the third leg of the analysis triad, differentiated from science to include problems that lend themselves to formulaic, thus repetitive, solutions. OR's have all these tools in there tool kit. IA's do not grow out of science and engineering, rather they spring from a Liberal Art's education and are trained more broadly to "think". Strategists also deal with very soft and squishy things. So I guess I'll be forced to frame this comparison and get something posted shortly.

    1. Mooch,
      There is some utility in the tripartite division you describe in the world of "strategy." Maybe authors such as Clausewitz and Sun Tzu (Art), Boyd (Science), and Jomini (Engineering) would stand as exemplars in your trinity

    2. Mooch--
      There is another interesting parallel/possibility in your thoughts about intel analysts, operations research analysts, and strategic analysts. There is a favorite analytic tool in Clausewitz (a tool Andrew Wilson desibes as a method for net assessment in his Great Courses lectures on strategy): the paradoxical trinity. In his case, the interplay between (1) primordial violence, hatred, and enmity; (2) the play of chance and probability; and (3) subordination to policy and reason defines warfare. Maybe the interplay of Art, Science, and Engineering is a way to distinguish between types of analysis? Or maybe I'm reaching (because I like Dead Carl and the trinity).

  2. Thanks for the insightful post, Merf. There is a healthy discussion where I work about the tension between world views of STEM and Liberal Arts, and this will inform that dialogue. The STEM approach appears in efforts to objectify or rationalize a complex system, namely in wargaming. Yet even the grandaddy of all wargames, War Plan Orange, was riddled with errors and misassumptions (kamikazes, nukes, sub warfare on commerce, etc.). Tim Schultz

    1. Thanks, Col Schultz. It's funny you should mention wargaming. I've been talking with some colleagues recently about what kids of knowledge we can obtain from wargames--are philospical and/or scientific truths available via these means? Personally, I think we can learn any number of useful things, and War Plan Orange (granddaddy indeed) is a great example. Riddled with errors it might have been, but it was right enough in the right ways to prepare us for the conflict that came.

      It looks like there is a renaissance afoot for wargaming in the DoD. I hope the NWC is at the center of that renaissance.
